07 Juni 20201.454 Readers
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The cultivation of teak trees located in the village Margasari and Pasawahan Village, District and Village Pasawahan Parakansalam, District Pondoksalam. In addition, the company also has a land area of 25 ha in the village + Cipurwasari, District Tegalwaru, Karawang used for similar crops. The company has been planting teak in the two regions since 2007, with the planted teak seedlings came from the Cepu each with 182,000 seedlings in number + area + 26 099 in Purwakarta and Karawang. Seeing the development of plants that have entered the harvest period (+ 9 years), the company intends to sell the teak trees and gardens. The company further cooperation with PT. Ekomoditi Solutions Indonesia to survey and assess the price of the asset to be sold.